🧑‍🍳Back in The Kitchen: New Update, and Charity!

It. Has. Been. WAAAAAY. Too. Long.

I did mention that life had become a bit busy, but I’m starting to figure it out, and getting accustomed to making time for working on stuff. I’ve also found a new love for streaming!

Let me break some stuff down into 3 bullet points.

  1. The focus for this year is on JKR. I have hopes of working more on T-1000 eventually, perhaps even getting a demo out by the end of this year (🤞🤞🤞)! But right now, even juggling between two projects is a bit too much for a university student.
  2. A lot of the delay comes from rewriting. After getting my stuff together, I realized I wasn’t too happy with parts of the game's story. The last quarter of 2024 was mostly spent figuring out in my mind what I wanted the story of JKR to be.

    This is just to show that I haven’t been (completely) lazy this year, and these are from last week

    I started outlining the story in February this year, and I’ve almost outlined the WHOLE story of JKR. I will soon be putting it all into a script with the help of my writers (they’re my friends too, I guess 😝), and I have a good idea of what I want to put into and change about current and future chapters. Expect story updates and retconning once we go into EA!
  3. The I.M.I.Self Hope Initiative is back! There are some updates to the plan too: We plan to give every quarter of the year (March, June, September, December), we will run weeklong fundraisers, and we are now also interested in supporting charities involved in long-term solutions to global issues. You can read more about it at https://imiself.se/hope! :D

V. 2.6.0 - Tomorrow! 🥳

Starting January this year, I’ve slowly but surely started to get back into enjoying working on JKR again, and I’ve been making updates and changes that I know I wanted to get around to until life got in the way.

It’s not a big update! But it’s a toe-dip into the waters, and there are some features y’all might rock with and more! :D


You can adjust certain game colors in the Settings menu.

This one has been on my Trello for… uhh, I dunno actually. Let me check real qui–

Uh. Awkward.

…well, it’s here now! The “Colorblind Correction” filters we had before weren’t all that useful (it was made especially clear when Accessibility specialist Ian Hamilton called us on it). It’s more for detecting contrast issues rather than actually HELPING with perceiving color info. These filters have now been completely stripped from the game.

Instead, in the Accessibility settings, you can just simply adjust the colors of gameplay elements to your liking! This is strictly for UI elements for now, but with future updates, we will add more things you can customize in the game :D


Upgrades / Settings UI

A lot of changes were also made to the Upgrades / Settings UI! Tutorials, icons, splitting into groups, new settings, etc. Some very neat QoL stuff :)


More secretly, a lot of changes has been made to the Saving System and the way we make game builds, both to make things more efficient and smaller, and also to accommodate new and future features.

Birthday Bash & Sale for Oxfam! 🎉❤️

March 2nd is my birthday, and we’re celebrating with a WEEKLONG SALE and SPECIAL STREAM!

For just a dollar, you can get Just Keep Running as well as some other benefits, such as HQ Downloads of the Soundtrack, Bonus Content, and Steam Keys for Just Keep Running! (Once we launch in Early Access)

© 2025 Oxfam. All Rights Reserved.

During this sale, 100% of our Net Profits from Just Keep Running and Twitch Earnings will go to Oxfam. Oxfam fights inequality to end poverty & injustice, providing support in crises, & advocating for economic justice, gender equality, and the climate.

I’m also running a 12-hour stream starting at 10 PM CET, where I’ll be playing a BUNCH of games together with friends, both old and new! You can check the schedule here.

If you want to support the cause, you can either PAY FOR JUST KEEP RUNNING via the sale, or you can WATCH VSWEDEOFFICIAL on Twitch and contribute via cheering, tipping, subscribing, or watching ads. You can also donate directly to your local Oxfam affiliate if you so wish by going to oxfam.org/en/donate-oxfam-affiliate.

You can read more about the I.M.I.Self Hope Initiative here!

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